Web Maps & Mobile Apps
From a simple map showing the location of your activities to a complex internal monitoring dashboard
Let's say there are 3 levels of sophistication in this world of maps in the cloud:
1. Web Maps embedded on a window on your website, or using one full page.
2. StoryMaps.
3. Dashboards.
Web Maps
This is a very simple example of an embedded map, just showing the location of my office:
Another example, a lot more sophisticated is this one showing the road condition in Alberta, with the views from the street cameras.
This one uses the full area of the screen, has a tile with th logo and a legend on the right: open here
A StoryMap is the best way to tell your story
A "StoryMap" is a story authoring web-based application that allows you to share your maps in the context of narrative text and other multimedia content. I will guide you to create your own, it is incredibly easy!
Let me show you the possibilities of ArcGIS Online.
Dashboards enable users to convey information by presenting location-based analytics using intuitive and interactive data visualizations on a single screen. Every organization using the ArcGIS platform can take advantage of this amazing tool to help make decisions, visualize trends, monitor status in real time, and inform their communities.
Field Maps
There are many ways to take all the information contained on a map, whether it is a static or dynamic map and transfer it to a mobile device so you can take it on the field, even to remote places with no signal, off line.
In this area, absolutely everything is possible, but it all depends on how you need to use it:
Number of users.
Will they add new info to the system while they are out (this requires synchronization).
What device to use, phones, tablets, tough computers, etc...
With a comprehensive set of map tools, you can:
Download map areas when working in challenged network environments.
Use the GPS button to center your location on the map, rotate the map, navigate to a location, and view location details using the GPS banner.
Search the map for features, locations, or even by coordinates to find the information you are looking for.
Alter the display of content in your map using the Layers tool, Basemap tool, or the new floor filter tool when viewing maps indoors. YES, ArcGIS Field Maps supports indoor mapping as well!
Measure distances or areas in units that you need to see them in.
View information about features you tap on in pop-ups that include calculated attribute expressions using the Arcade expression language now with feature set support.
Navigate to a location or feature using driving directions or with the compass in your device.
Share your map with others to view and interact with.