Mining & Mineral exploration
I am a Geologist, with a Master's degree in Geographical Information System Projects Direction.
During the first 20 years of my career, I achieved to be the GIS manager for several of the biggest mining companies in the world, designing customised proprietary solutions for geological databases, also environmental and water resources.
Lots of experience processing spatial scientific data and developing local and mobile applications for knowledge management and field works.
I believe I can manage any kind of project, always supported by a team of excellent professionals I hire intermittently based on the project needs.
My favourite assignments are...
Processing scientific information
Basic and advanced exploration project GIS database
I will build and maintain your mineral exploration project database, starting from scratch and adding your own data, data obtained from third parties or data you have received after you purchased a new project or company.
Topography - background base map, with different options to choose.
Geology - lithology, alteration, mineralization, occurrences, structural, geochronology.
Geophysics - gravimetry, magnetometry, radiometry, IP, resistivity density, susceptibility, anomalies.
Geochemistry - rock samples, stream sediments, anomalies, QAQC.
Drill Holes - trench, sample management, display in 3D with Target for ArcGIS Pro plus preliminary resources estimation.
Water Resources - wells, models, samples.
Infrastructure - power lines, ducts and pipes, industrial buildings, current works, expansion plans.
Claims - mining property, water rights, servitudes, indigenous lands, all legal aspects of the land.
Environmental - protected areas, archaeological sites, flora and fauna, soils, climate data.
Raster - Satellite images, aerial photographs, scans of any subject.
DEM - Stereo, Lidar, other sources.

I will make maps to be used on the field using a smartphone or a tablet "off-line" and process the new data to update the main database.
The information may be shared in different geographical locations using web-maps on the cloud (private-confidential).
Once you have a drilling campaign I will keep the database and display the result in 3D using Target for ArcGIS pro.

Historical data processing
From the 60's to the 20's
Your company might still have an archive with old exploration reports and maps, samples, etc..., fortunately, geology and associated disciplines never get old, that information is extremely valuable, and it is about time to rescue it!

First lets go from this to that, then with a library protocol for filing and advanced scanning machines everything will become part of the digital database mostly PDF and PNG.
Then, the knowledge manager of the company, or similar, will select those files to be digitized and brought to life as vector layers ready to participate on the geoprocessing tools for GIS and modelling.
If you are planning to contract a high resolution flight over your facility, then you will need to get the planimetry of the whole area.
Planimetric elements are represented on two-dimensional maps as they are seen from the air, and often include features such as: roads, building footprints, sidewalks, trails, rivers, lakes, etc.
These features are digitized from orthorectified aerial photography or high resolution satellite imagery into data layers that can be used in analysis and cartographic outputs.
This is a tedious job and usually companies do not have the time or the staff to do it themselves, I can hire and supervise the team of cartographers to carry out this task in record time at very reasonable rates, since this type of work does not require a high qualification.

E-learning platform for onsite training
Having your own Training Center inside the organization allows confidentiality, flexibility and important cost reduction.
Interested in any of the services offered above?
Tell me about your project and let's make something big!
Fill this form describing with details what you have in mind, what are your needs.
Keep in mind in GIS everything is possible so the sky is the limit!
Please don't send any sensitive information at this stage, that will come later...