Custom maps for outdoors activities
Custom maps for parks, recreational areas, sports guides, sporting events, races...
My absolute favourite assignment, making custom maps for outdoor activities, particularly bike routes, I have ridden my bike all over Les Cantons de L'Est hundreds of times, with such joy, I decided to make a map with the most popular rides, with 3 levels of difficulty.
Estrie Bike Rides Map
I used Google Earth Pro, Global Mapper, ArcGIS Desktop and the final touches were made in Illustrator, like subtle shadows that make the routes pop up from the background.
This is a sporting event at Gaspésie I made in collaboration with SEPAQ. They provided the background layers, more than 200!, all incredibly well organized.
Another part of the fun of this project was to create a PDF version for a great GPS App to be used OFFLINE if necessary, meaning it works even if there is no phone signal.
I made it for AVENZA Maps, an amazing free GPS app with a marketplace where you can get maps from the whole world, all of them to be used offline.
Patagonian Expedition Race
The Patagonian Expedition Race® is an adventure race carried out in a non-stop expedition format through the wild nature of Southern Patagonia, usually also called “The Last Wild Race.”
The expedition is completed in mixed teams of four members that must remain together throughout its duration, covering distances greater than 500 km while facing sections of mountaineering, trekking, trail running, mountain biking and kayaking.
I was in charge of making the maps for the competitors, very important since in the first editions, no GPS or electronic devices of any kind were allowed, so the safety of the participants was in my hands.
More information about this event and others managed by the same organization:
Tell me about your project and let's make something gorgeous together!
Fill this form describing with details what you have in mind, add attachments with similar maps you have seen somewhere else, websites, whatever helps me to understand better what you need, and I will send you a preliminary quote.